Chula Vista Campus - Power Restored

Power to the Chula Vista Campus is completely restored. Full operations resume Thursday, April 25th.

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SWC Safe Zone Program

Safe Zone Logo

In an effort to build a more inclusive environment, Southwestern College has begun a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) SafeZone. The SafeZone Training Program provides an opportunity for all members of our community to become allies and build cultural competence around LGBTQ issues.  Our cadre of facilitators has been trained by the Gay Alliance and includes students, staff, faculty, and administrators. The Professional Development Program is proud to be the facilitator of the employee training aspect of this program and is happy to assist our employees in obtaining training in this area.


The Gay Alliance describes a safe zone by the following: A safe zone or a safe space is a place where all people feel safe, welcome and included.  It may be a room, a car, or an entire college campus.  The Gay Alliance SafeZone program aims to increase the awareness, knowledge, and skills for individuals and address the challenges that exist when one wants to advocate for their LGBTQ peers, family members, friends, coworkers and for themselves. Creating safe zones or safe spaces is a proactive step that schools, agencies and corporations can take to create welcoming, inclusive spaces so that all people are empowered to reach their full potential. ().

Safe Zone Training Request

Thank you for inquiring about Safe Zone Training! We are delighted that you are interested in building a more inclusive campus environment. In order to schedule a Safe Zone Training, please consider the following:

  • Safe Zone Training should be voluntary. Requiring someone to attend this particular training, when they may have some viewpoints and/or beliefs that make the training a challenge for them may lead to a training that is not as productive as it could be. Rather, offering the training as an option with your encouragement is ideal. The training is not designed to change any one person’s beliefs but rather educate and provide tools to help make the campus a safe place. We make the assumption in the training that each participant believes that members of the LGBTQ community have rights and are entitled to a safe place to live, work and go to school. The training will not be spent belaboring these points.
  • Training sessions are offered in 2-, 3-, and 4-hour time blocks. If you would like a 2-hour training, please consider two sessions, Part I and II. Four-hour training sessions are ideal to build trust in the room and cover the extensive materials, but we understand that you may have competing priorities.
  • A maximum of 30 people may participate in any given training. Given the content of the training, we want to ensure that significant time is given to thoroughly explain the materials and address questions. When a group is too large, this becomes quite difficult. If you have a large group, we can split the group size and have simultaneous training.