Art Gallery

The Southwestern College Art Gallery is an educational venue designed to engage with our students and the surrounding community to expand personal, historical and cultural meaning through art.
Throughout the academic year, the SWC Art Gallery presents rotating exhibitions of the work of professional contemporary artists, faculty and juried student shows. The exhibitions are regularly supported by accompanying artist’s talks, workshops and performances. The venue also hosts special events and receptions.
Completed in 1969, the 2,135 square foot gallery space, modeled after the Breuer designed Whitney Museum of Art in New York City, features 11’ high walls, in-floor electrical outlets, and a suspended modular grid ceiling with movable walls and inset tracks for lighting.
The gallery’s outdoor courtyard showcases Dark (1968), the early conceptual sculpture by artist Bruce Nauman, a highlight from Southwestern College’s permanent art collection.
All exhibitions and events are free and open to the public.
Visitors are required to purchase a daily parking permit from our on-line permit store: SWC Parking & Permits ($1 for one-hour visitor space permit or $3 for a one-day permit)
Learn more about the Art Gallery's historical first decade and view archived materials from the era at our Art Gallery's archive website.
Support the SWC Art Gallery through our Donation Page