Jaguar Pathways Steering Committee
The Jaguar Pathways Steering Committee provides direction and oversight for implementation of the college’s allocation under the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Guided Pathways Award program. The committee includes the Superintendent/President, the Academic Senate president, the ASO president and other college leaders as well as the team chairs for the five Jaguar Pathways implementation teams.
Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA)
The Guided Pathways Award Program created in 2017-2018 by the legislature gives colleges the opportunity to begin implementation of their own Guided Pathways framework. As a condition of participation in the program, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) requires all colleges participating to submit the Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA).
In October 2019 the Jaguar Pathways office, relying heavily on the Jaguar Pathways Steering Committee and its five implementation teams for information, began compiling input and data for the SOAA. The information gathered was included in the SOAA in the descriptions of how Southwestern College is addressing each essential practice and what next steps are underway toward implementation. The SOAA was presented to the Academic Senate and approved at its November 26, 2019 meeting. The Shared Consultation Council (SCC) reviewed the document and approved it on December 11, 2019. The Governing Board reviewed the document and approved it on Febuary 11, 2020. The final document is now submitted to CCCCO.
Click here to read the entire Southwestern College Scale of Adoption Assessement (SOAA) for 2020.
For help on how to read the SOAA, please click here to read the Executive Summary which explains the sections and gives a general overview.
If you have more questions, please see the SOAA FAQ's about California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Assessment (SOAA).
View the SOAA presentation given to the Southwestern College Governing Board.