Petition to Change Priority Registration Status
Students who lose enrollment priority status may file a petition with documentation if one of the following situations applies. Students may obtain the petition at the Admissions office or download it in PDF format.
- Extenuating Circumstances
- Loss of priority enrollment status due to extenuating circumstances. (Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the control of the student.) Examples of documentation include: medical records, police reports, court documents, etc.
- Students with Disabilities
- Academic Accommodations:
- Those who had applied for academic accommodations, but did not receive reasonable accomodations in a timely manner. Examples of documentation include: accommodations form.
- Those who are authorized for priority enrollment
- Those who are authorized for priority enrollment as a DSS-authorized academic accommodation and are making progress toward their academic goal. Examples of documentation include: accommodations form
- Students who have demonstrated significant academic improvement
- Those who are defined as achieving no less than the minimum grade point average and progress standards, and have improved in recent semesters. Examples of documentation include: transcript that shows academic improvement in an minimum of two semesters
- Students who are enrolled in high-unit majors or in the categories listed below
- Students who became ineligible due to accumulated units from Advanced Placement, 2+2, or Credit by Examination
- Honors Students
- Honors students who have no other available opportunity for honor addendums, based on their academic goal. Examples of documentation include: honors addendum contracts for the completion of at least 15 semester units and Student Education Plan (SEP). (Inability to work around class schedule is not a valid reason for taking an honors addendum)
- Final semester before degree certificate and/or transfer completion
- Student is within the final semester of degree, certificate, and/or transfer completion. Student Education Plan (SEP) and updated transcript must show only the remaining classes before graduation. Documentation: complete chart of courses needed.