Civic Engagement
Southwestern College upholds and understands that voter empowerment and civic engagement is an essential part of the college experience and student’s life as it contributes to democratic participation in our society and nation.
The upcoming National Elections can be exciting, intense, stressful, or challenging to some, so here are some helpful resources to help us navigate through the coming Election days.
- Practicing Self-Care During Elections (courtesy of National Alliance on Mental Illness)
- Caring for Yourself During Election Season (courtesy of Indiana University School of Medicine)
- Eight Questions That Can Help You Survive Election Stress (courtesy of Greater Good Science Center)
Also, feel free to make an appointment with our Personal Wellness Services at (619) 421-6700 x5279 or by email at
Elections & Voting Resources for Educators 2024 (compiled by Valissa Thomas, Director of DIEJ, The Bishop School)
Helpful Election Resources from CA Secretary of State
Vote Center Locations (San Diego County)
Are You Eligible to Vote? To vote in California, you must be:
- A U.S. citizen and a resident of California
- 18 years or older on Election Day
- Not currently in state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony. For more information, please see Voting Rights: Persons with a Criminal History.
- And, not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court. For more information, please see Voting Rights: Persons Subject to Conservatorship.
Voting in California
To vote in California, you’ll need to be registered in California. Not registered yet, or not sure if you’re registered?
Register to Vote (County of San Diego)
Check your Registration Status
California Voter Information Guide
Vote by Mail or in Person
All active registered voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot.
A vote-by-mail voter may vote by mail, in person at the Office of the County elections official, a satellite office established by the elections official, polling place, or vote center on or before the day of the election.
How to Return your completed Vote-by-Mail Ballot (video)
Get In Touch
For further information contact