Student Activities

Southwestern College offers a number of ways for you to get involved on campus and find a community that fits your interests. Whether it’s joining a sports team or attending a game, running for office, serving the community or starting a club, there’s a place for you here to find fun and exciting activities.

Additionally, students involved in co-curricular activities such as arts, music or other courses can have their transcripts processed by the Student Activities Office.

Get Involved

Associated Student Organization

Associated Student Organization (ASO)


ASO is the officially recognized voice of the college’s 22,000 students.


Clubs & Organizations


Engage with other students who have similar likes and interests. Join or start a club that interests you.


Service Learning & Jaguars Serve

Service Learning and Jaguars Serve


Service Learning is one of the volunteer programs for students of Southwestern College. Volunteer opportunities are available both on and off campus.

Civic Engagement

Civic Engagement


Southwestern College upholds and understands that voter empowerment and civic engagement is an essential part of the college experience and student’s life as it contributes to democratic participation in our society and nation.  

Student ID Cards

SWC ID cards are available to credit and non-credit students if they are currently taking classes. Once issued, SWC ID cards are good for a student's entire tenure at SWC and there is no need to request another if you already have one. If you need an SWC Student ID card, please fill out our SWC ID Request Form, found below. Students will be asked to submit two (2) photos to receive an ID card:

  1. A photo of yourself against a plain, light-colored wall -- this will go on your ID card.
    • Please sit or stand straight up, angled or leaning poses will not work
    • No sunglasses, hats of any kind, ear phones, or ear buds. Exceptions are made for religious headdress
    • If you wear eyeglasses and a glare shows, please remove your glasses and retake the picture
    • Shirts are required
    • You will receive an email requesting a new photo if your original photo will not work
  2.  A photo of a government-issued ID card for identity verification. Must be one of the following:
    • Any US State ID or Driver's License
    • Military ID
    • Passport (not expired, US or foreign)
    • Sentri Pass
    • Previous High School ID

After submission, please allow up to two (2) weeks for us to process your request, especially near the start of the semester. Once enrollment has been checked and the card has been printed, you will receive an email with instructions for picking your card up from the Office of Student Activities.

Please direct all questions about ID cards to Nick Fox at


  • Students auditing classes must pay the $16.00 Student Activities (ASO) fee at the Cashier's Office and then must submit their receipt and approved audit paperwork to the Office of Student Activities before an ID will be issued. 
  • Students taking non-credit classes may also request their ID card from the Office of Continuing Education, Room 59A-101B.
  • Students taking classes at the Otay Mesa, National City, or San Ysidro Higher Education Centers may also request their ID card from the main office at their respective extension campus.

Student ID Request Form

SWCCD Commercial Vendor Contract
SWCCD Campus Use Request Form for Expressive Activities
SWC Events On-Campus Posting Guidelines

These posting guidelines are for official SWC sanctioned events and groups; outside organizations must be collaborating with an SWC department to post.  

For questions, please contact the Office of Student Activities, Rm. 62A-114, or, or call 619-482-6568.

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Virtual Chat

We are here to support each of our student’s needs. Chat live on Cranium Café by finding an online staff member below. To learn more, visit the Virtual Welcome Center. Our student service specialists have their hours of availability listed on their profile cards. If a team member's hours are not reflective of their availability, they are likely supporting another student. We give each of our students the individual attention and time they deserve. Thank you for your patience.