Binational Programs
El programa AB 91 en California es una iniciativa legislativa que busca facilitar el acceso a la educación superior para los estudiantes binacionales de bajos ingresos que residen cerca de la frontera entre California y México. La ley permitiría que estos estudiantes paguen la matrícula de estudiante nacional de EE.UU. en los colegios comunitarios de San Diego y el Condado Imperial, en lugar de las cuotas más altas para extranjeros, siempre que vivan dentro de un radio de 72 kilometros de la frontera. Esta medida tiene como objetivo aprovechar la ubicación estratégica de la región fronteriza y promover oportunidades educativas equitativas, al tiempo que fortalece la fuerza laboral binacional y la economía regional.
La convocatoria esta abierta y puedes aplicar usando el enlace que esta abajo.
The AB 91 program in California is a legislative initiative aimed at facilitating access to higher education for low-income binational students residing near the California-Mexico border. The law allows these students to pay in-state tuition fees at community colleges in San Diego and Imperial County, instead of the higher fees for international students, provided they live within 45 miles (approximately 72 kilometers) of the border. This measure aims to leverage the strategic location of the border region, promote equitable educational opportunities, and strengthen the binational workforce and regional economy.
The application is open, you can apply using the link below.
Global Entry Interview Program
First Binational/Fronterizo Commencement Ceremony in Tijuana (June 2023)
Southwestern College held its first Binational/Fronterizo Commencement Ceremony at the Lázaro Cárdenas high school in Tijuana in June 2023. The objective was to provide students with the opportunity to share this significant moment with friends and family who are unable to cross the border to the U.S.
First Binational Conference at Centro Fox in Guanajuato, Mexico, in June 2023.
The conference brought U.S. and Mexican students together to discuss critical binational and education issues.
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