Future Teachers, Advocates, Counselors and More!
Family Studies (formally known as Child Development) emphasizes cross-cultural lifespan development and the social and economic roles of diverse individuals, families and communities. The department explores the relevance of culture as it pertains to health, psychology, sociology, parent education, nutrition, early childhood care, education, violence, family development, community resources, curriculum, child-rearing and language acquisition. Family studies is a recommended major for those interested in numerous studies.
- Preschool teacher
- Elementary School Teacher
- Family Childcare Provider
- Family Educator
- Child Advocate
- Psychologist
- Play or Art Therapist
- Social Worker
- Child Life Specialist
- Counselor
- Nurse…and many others.
Family Studies Resource Center
The Family Studies Resource Center (Lab) opened in the fall of 2010. The Department was thrilled to open a new state of the art, tutorial and computer lab for students studying Child Development! The Resource Center offers students the following resources: Bilingual tutors who specialize in Child Development classes, all the text books required in CD Classes, Computers, printers, Internet, MS Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Adobe: Illustrator & Photoshop, black/white and color copies, Digital cameras, diagrams, and curriculum materials, Children’s books in English and Spanish, games and activities, Puppets and puppets theaters, Books and videos in English and Spanish, Book binding and laminating. The multi-media technicians can help you with videos, digital cameras, sound editing, computer help and printing for your observations and assignments so come and visit us in Room 554 at the Chula Vista campus!
Child Development Club
Would you like to meet students who study child development? Consider joining the Child Development Club! We have two and you choose the day and place you prefer: San Ysidro or Chula Vista. The club is an informal group that meets twice a month and plans activities that center on the study of young children and the field of early childhood education. Child Development Professors act as advisors, providing a great opportunities to get to know them better and stay in “the know” about department happenings and events. There are fundraisers, parties, the annual South Bay Child Development Conference, guest speakers, advocacy projects, Day of the Young Child, a variety of workshops and of course a lot of fun to be had by all who participate! Please drop in anytime to one of our meetings. All students are welcomed! Students elect officers and are responsible for planning all activities and events. There is no obligation to participate in all activities and meetings. Just come, have fun and meet other students who are interested in Child Development like you!
Family Studies Careers
You'll have so many career options!
Degrees/Certificate Available
- Associate in Arts Degree in Child and Adolescent Development (Students generally take four semesters to complete.)
- Associate in Arts Degree in Child Development (Students generally take four semesters to complete.)
- Certificate of Proficiency Spanish-to-English Associate Teacher Certificate (Students generally take two semesters to complete.)
- Gainful Employment: Teacher Education Preparation - CT