Information For...High School Counselors

Helping your students find the right school for them can be challenging depending on what they’re looking for. Find out what’s available to our students — which tops 22,000 each fall — when they attend Southwestern College.

Get Started

Whether your students are ready to start taking college-level courses, just starting to explore what they want to study or are looking more toward a career — we can help them get where they want to go.


College Courses in High School

High School Special/Concurrent Enrollment
With approval from a high school principal or counselor and parent, high school students in 10th through 12 grades may be admitted to our concurrent enrollment program. Find out how.

300+ Programs to Choose From

Our educational offerings are as diverse as all of the students we serve. Explore our 11 pathways and see what your students can focus on by attending Southwestern.

Explore Career Options

Most of the students who come here need at least some guidance as they consider their future careers. Our Career Center features advisors and resources to help them find what’s right for them.

5 Reasons to Send Your Students to Southwestern

While we could go on with many reasons, here are five things to consider when talking to your students about secondary education:

  1. Excellent Academics: With over 300+ Programs to Choose From
    1. A nationally-recognized research program in Pharmaceutical & Laboratory Science 
    2. An award-winning school newspaper
    3. A state-of-the-art Center for Recording Arts & Technology 
    4. Nationally-recognized faculty
  2. Affordable for Everyone: Through the Southwestern College Promise program, students who are enrolling in college for the first time and meet other certain criteria can go to college for free for their first two years. Our Financial Aid team is here for all students as they make their way through the application process. 
  3. Easy to Transfer: California community college courses are directly linked with the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems, making transfer easier.
  4. Career-Ready Students: Our Career Center advisors help students find paths that fit their interests and skills, and help them start their journeys. Often times, this is straight toward a job. Through programs designed to give students the skills they need, and resources our Career Center offers, students graduate from Southwestern ready to jump into the job market.
  5. LOTS of Support: Students are so much more than students! They are sons and daughters. Moms and dads. They are working through personal things with friends, family and themselves — just like everyone else. That’s why our student support network runs deep and wide at Southwestern. Just a few examples include:
    1. Child Development Center: Child care
    2. Jag Kitchen: Food Pantry
    3. Student Equity: Welcoming everyone
    4. SWC Connects: Computer loaner program
    5. Health Services: In-person & online services
    6. SWC Cares: A hub for many of the resources at Southwestern
    7. More Services