Assistive Technology & Alternate Media Production

The High Tech Center provides training in the use of assistive technology for Southwestern College students with disabilities. The High Tech Center (HTC) is also a resource for students and staff to use assistive technology, obtain information and referrals, and evaluate access needs.

The HTC offers a variety of adaptive hardware and software in a supportive environment for DSS students to learn basic computer skills, improve existing skills and enhance academic success.

The High Tech Center offers alternate media in the following formats: large print, electronic text, audio (.mp3 or.wav), braille (physical or electronic), and tactile graphics.

Students must first obtain the Request of Alternate Media Format Form (PDF) (also known as the “blue form”), available at the DSS office or the High Tech Center. The form must be filled out with all relevant information, and signed by a DSS Specialist, PRIOR to submitting it to the High Tech Center.

Students must submit their blue forms prior to the start of the semester, in order to receive their alternate media in a timely manner. Requests submitted at the start of the semester and after, will be done on a rolling basis, in accordance with the “Processes for Alternate Media Requests Guidelines (PDF).”

DSS students may utilize the HTC to complete Southwestern College class assignments during open lab hours. Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

HTC Features

  • Individual Computer Assistance and Needs Assessment
  • PC and Apple Computers and Peripherals
  • PD 18 is a Personal Development (PD) class taught in the High Tech Center and allows students to develop essential computer skills and utilize specialized programs designed to improve basic skills in computers, and assistive technology.

Adaptive Hardware

  • Electric Tables with adjustable height
  • CCTV (enlarges printed material)
  • Keyboards (large and extra-large printed keys)
  • Portable Magnification devices
  • Refreshable Braille
  • Smartpens
  • FM Systems
  • Large-print Keyboards

Basic Skills Software

  • Inspiration (helps you to develop and organize ideas for writing assignments)
  • Typing skills

Adaptive Software

  • Read and Write Gold
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking (allows your voice commands to use computer and type)
  • Jaws (screen reader/voice output)
  • Kurzweil 1000 & 3000 (reading, study skill, and writing program for students with disabilities)
  • Duxbury Braille Software (translates print into Braille)
  • Zoomtext (screen magnifier)

Location & Contact Info

HTC Open Lab Hours for Spring and Fall (PDF)

Room 26-108

Homer Lopez, HTC Computer Lab Technician/Alternate Media Specialist (619) 421-6700 x5418.