Register to Vote
Voting Resources Register to Vote
In the general election of 2014 voter turnout among California’s youth was one of the worst in California’s history; only 52% of eligible youth were registered to vote, which was more than 20 points below any other age group, and only 8% of eligible youth aged 18-24 voted.
Enter The California Students Vote Project; a public-private effort led by the California Secretary of State’s office in partnership with the California Lieutenant Governor’s office, and three nonprofit organizations; CalPIRG, California Common Cause, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus. These groups recognize that a healthy democracy must include the voices of California’s next generation. The California Students Vote Project is advocating for the implementation of student voter registration best practices at all of California’s public colleges and universities. These include: asking students during optimal time periods or via their student portals to register to vote, sending all-campus emails and notifications about the importance of voting before voter registration deadlines and elections, signing an MOU that outlines best practices for voter registration efforts, and implementing said practices for on-the-ground voter registration efforts.
Here is a toolkit of resources to aid students, faculty and campuses who want to help increase student voter engagement and participation in our elections. They include a fact sheet about The California Students Vote Project, sample social media posts, key deadlines and dates leading up to the general election, sample posters, frequently asked questions about voting, sample emails, and a guide to carry out a voter registration drive.