Frequently Asked Questions
Admission to Southwestern College is open to high school graduates, people with equivalency degrees (GED), or anyone 18 years or older who can benefit from college instruction. In addition, high school students are admitted to the college for advanced academic placement or career technical education training. For more information about the High School Special program, call (619) 482-6518
All new students or returning students who have missed at least one complete semester must apply online (or reapply) to the college. You will need a valid email address. After submitting an online application, students will receive an email with their student ID number and information on how to register for classes. Students will also be given information on placement & prerequisites, orientation, and academic counseling. The college accepts applications for the next semester after the sixth week of the current semester. Appointments for registration are emailed to students after they submit the application. If you need assistance with the application, you can come to the Admissions office at the Chula Vista campus or any Higher Education Center.
If you are a student with a disability and need access assistance for the application process, contact Disability Support Services at (619) 482-6512.
In compliance with the California Education Code, Southwestern College will review all applications submitted to determine if applicants meet the residency requirements for tuition purposes. California resident classification entitles students to in-state tuition fees. Our guidelines for residency classification are state-mandated. Since each applicant's case is evaluated on an individual basis, it is suggested that students interested in determining residency contact a Residency Technician at (619) 421-6700 x5215 or (619) 421-6700 x5216.
Class schedules and catalogs are available online.
- Information regarding important deadlines for each semester can be found on the Academic Calendar or in the class schedule. You may also call the Admissions office at (619) 421-6700 x5215 or (619) 421-6700 x5216 for more information.
Chula Vista campus
900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910 (near the intersection of East H Street)
Cesar Chavez/One-Stop Student Services CenterFall/Spring hours: Monday through Thursday, 8am - 6:30pm; Fridays 8am - 3pm
Summer hours: Monday through Thursday, 8am - 6:30pm
(619) 421-6700 x5215 or (619) 421-6700 x5216
Higher Education Center at San Ysidro
480 West San Ysidro Blvd, San Ysidro, CA 92173
(619) 216-6790Higher Education Center at National City
880 National City Blvd, National City, CA 91950
(619) 216-6665Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa
8100 Gigantic Street, San Diego, CA 92154
(619) 216-6750Crown Cove Aquatic Center
5000 Highway 75, Coronado, CA 92118
(619) 575-6176The California state legislature dictates the enrollment fees charged by all California community colleges. These fees are subject to change through legislation. Students classified as non-California residents must pay an additional per-unit non-resident tuition fee. In addition, the college charges other mandatory fees such as the Student Center Fee and the Health Fee. These fees are subject to change by the Southwestern College Governing Board. Students parking on campus must purchase a parking permit (car or motorcycle). Students are billed for the cost of an ASO (Associated Students' Organization) card, which may be refunded/credited upon request. Dollar amounts for current fees can be found in the class schedule, or you may call the Admissions Center at (619) 421-6700 x5215 or 5216. Follow this link for information on Financial Aid.
After you apply for admission, you will receive an email when your registration date and time has been assigned. If you cannot remember your appointment time, go to MySWC or contact the Admissions Center at (619) 421-6700 x5215 or (619) 421-6700 x5216, for assistance.
The college publishes each semester's drop dates on our Important Dates and Deadlines page. If a student owes more than $184 by the drop date, they will be dropped from classes that cause their unpaid balance to be in excess of $184. The drop sequence will be from last enrollment to first. Students will be allowed to enroll again right away after the drop.
If you have attended another accredited college or university, you may transfer coursework credits to Southwestern College. To do this, you must request that a transcript from your previous college or university be sent directly to the Southwestern College Admissions office. Hand-carried transcripts are not considered official and cannot be used to satisfy graduation requirements.
You may register for additional classes during the first two weeks of the semester on a space-available basis. You must attend the class (or email the instructor if the class is online) to request an add code. After the first two weeks, you cannot enroll in full-semester classes. You can, however, enroll in short-session classes that begin later in the term.
You may add or drop classes on MySWC during the registration period. Check the class schedule for exact times and dates. Once the semester has started, you will still be able to drop classes, but in order to add, you will need an add code from the instructor. Attend the first class meeting and request an add code from the instructor. If space is available, the instructor will provide you with an add code. Add codes may also be obtained from instructors via email.
The add code allows you add the class through MySWC system. If you need assistance, call the Admissions office at (619) 421-6700 x5215 or 5216.
If you wish to drop full-semester classes and receive a refund, you must do so by the last day of the second week in the semester. Refund deadlines vary for short-term classes. You may drop classes on MySWC. Eligible students should request a refund through the Cashier's Office by phone at (619) 482-6307 or in person in room S102 at the Cesar Chavez Building. You may also download and complete the Refund Request Form and submit as stated on the form. Remember: It is always the student's responsibility to be aware of all posted deadlines.
If you want to take a class for fun, or to learn a new language or skill, and don't need the college credit, auditing may be an option for you. To audit a class, you need to obtain a course audit application from the Admissions office (or online at the Admissions Forms page) and go to the class. If there is space available, the instructor will sign the form. You must return it to the Admissions office for processing. Students taking the class for college credit have first priority for enrollment. The charge for auditing is $15 per unit plus the mandatory health fees. A maximum of six units (or two classes) may be audited in any regular instruction term (Fall, Spring, Summer). If you are enrolled for college credit in 10 or more units, you may audit one three-unit class for free. Once you use the audit option for a class you may not change your enrollment in order to take the class for college credit.
After all of your official transcripts from other colleges and universities are filed with the Admissions office, make an appointment with a counselor to review your previous coursework and develop your academic plan.
Any transcripts you have from other schools, colleges, and universities must be filed at Southwestern College for graduation purposes. Transcripts should be sent directly to the Southwestern College Admissions Center. Hand-carried transcripts will not be accepted as "Official." Contact the prior college or university directly for information about their request process, including required fees. Transcripts are required for graduation regardless of the courses and grades achieved at your previous schools.
Southwestern College students are entitled to two free copies of their official transcripts (regular processing, requested in person). Emergency processing is always $8.00 per copy. Other charges are as follows:
- Regular request: $5.00 per copy
- Emergency: $8.00 per copy
- Federal Express: (includes $8.00 emergency fee)
- Contiguous 48 states: $28.30 per recipient
- Alaska/Hawaii: $31.30 per recipient
- International Federal Express: $51.30 per recipient
Note: All federal express requests must be submitted online
You may request your transcripts online, in person in the Admissions Center or via mail. If you have any questions, please call (619) 421-6700 x5412.
- If you want to have CLEP, Advanced Placement scores or any other type of credit evaluated, you must submit score reports or transcripts to the Admissions Center, along with a General Student Petition, requesting evaluation. You will receive a response by mail in approximately 10-14 business days. To have your military school credits evaluated, you must submit your DD214 or 295 military documents to the Admissions Center along with a petition for military credit. Petitions for military credit are available at the Veterans Services office or in the Admissions office.
The California Community College Board of Governors passed revisions to Title 5 regarding course repetition and withdrawal that took effect during the summer 2012 term.
A student will only be allowed to enroll in the same course a maximum of three times.
If a student has previously received a substandard grade (D, F, NP) or has withdrawn from a course with a "W", then all of these course repetitions and withdrawals in the student's transcripts are to be counted towards the revised limits.
Therefore, student that has taken a course the maximum number of times prior to Summer 2012 will no longer be able to take the same course at Southwestern College.