Course Description
The Registered Nurse from a Community College has completed two (2) years of a specific course of study and has successfully passed a State Board of Examination (NCLEX) giving them a license to practice nursing. The RN is a professional who is well versed in caring for patients in all stages of illness, including health promotion and disease prevention. All Registered Nurses are required to continue their education on an on-going basis. Documentation of courses completed must be submitted to the licensing authority every two (2) years (in California, it is the BRN).
A Registered Nurse may work in various areas of a hospital including Medical-Surgical, Pediatrics, Maternity, Emergency Room, Critical Care and the Operating Room. They may also work in clinics, home health agencies, hospices, physician offices and many more.
Registered Nurses may elect to become certified in a specialty area or qualify for advanced practice status. Registered Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Certified Nurse Midwives and Nurse Anesthetists are all examples of advanced practice nursing.