Red Flag Warning

San Diego County has issued a red flag warning beginning 4pm Monday 1/13 through 6pm Wednesday 1/15. Please have an evacuation plan and sign-up for alerts at Alert San Diego. The district is monitoring local conditions.

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Program Overview

The law office manager plans, directs, and coordinates operations in a legal office, including managing daily operations, overseeing personnel, and organizing procedures within the office to facilitate the efficient flow of work. The law office managers should possess a strong understanding of the legal system and its procedures especially as they relate to legal specialty areas in which the legal office or agency is involved.

Catalog Page

Program Awards

Associate Degree

Legal Office Management - Associate in Science

Associate Degree

Legal Office Management-Basic - Certificate of Proficiency


Legal Office Management-Intermediate - Certificate of Achievement


Legal Office Professional - Associate in Science

Associate Degree

Legal Office Professional Certificate - Certificate of Achievement


Legal Office Professional-Bilingual (English/Spanish) - Associate in Science

Associate Degree

Legal Office Professional-Bilingual (English/Spanish)-Basic - Certificate of Achievement


Legal Office Professional: Business Law Specialty - Certificate of Achievement


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Points of Interest

Open the accordion rows below to reveal more information about Legal Office.

Class Schedule Academic Calendar Important Dates

Program Contacts

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Office Information Systems


Mink Stavenga Dean
Elisabeth Shapiro Department Chair