Want to be a tutor?
Working as a tutor offers several benefits:
- Mastery of a specific discipline
- Training and experience in tutoring and education
- Becoming a member of a community dedicated to learning
Tutor salary ranges from $18 an hour to $25 an hour depending on experience and level of training. Schedules are flexible, and tutors can work up to 25 hours a week.
Current SWC students who apply must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be recommended by SWC faculty. If applicants are not currently enrolled at SWC, they must provide recommendations from the other educational institutions they attend(ed), a degree obtained, or a recommendation from a previous employer or instructor. All new tutors must enroll in Education 100, SWC’s tutor training course, within the first year of employment to remain eligible for hours, and the course can be completed while concurrently tutoring.