Red Flag Warning

San Diego County has issued a red flag warning beginning 4pm Monday 1/13 through 6pm Wednesday 1/15. Please have an evacuation plan and sign-up for alerts at Alert San Diego. The district is monitoring local conditions.

FAFSA Resources

FAFSA Website
Here’s the first step to receiving financial aid! This is the ONLY website to use when submitting the FAFSA and there is NEVER any charge to students to apply. You should never be asked for payment of any kind when competing or submitting the FAFSA.  Also available in Spanish.

What information do I need when I fill out the FAFSA?
Here’s a checklist of information and documents needed to complete the FAFSA.

What is an FSA ID?
Fact sheet describing the Federal Student Aid Personal Identification Number, how to get a PIN, and how to use the PIN.

Am I Dependent or Independent? (PDF)
Worksheet to help students determine their dependency status when filling out the FAFSA. Click here for Spanish.

Who is my parent when I fill out the FAFSA? (PDF)
Fact sheet that helps answer common questions about determining which parent's information to report on the FAFSA. Click here for Spanish.

Simple Steps to transfer Tax Information to your FAFSA (Image)
Graphic that explains how to use the IRS data retrieval tool to transfer tax information into the FAFSA and when the tool is available.

Federal Financial Aid and Undocumented Students (PDF)
Fact sheet that provides answers to frequently asked question about federal financial aid for undocumented students. Click here for information on the California Dream Act and available state financial aid programs for AB540 students.

FAFSA Facts for Students with Drug-related Convictions (PDF)
Fact sheet that explains how drug-related convictions may impact a student's eligibility for federal aid.

Myths About Financial Aid (PDF)
Fact sheet debunking common myths about federal financial aid: parents make too much money, too old, or need good grades.

The Financial Aid Process (Image)
Graphic that reviews the availability of federal financial aid for college, the FAFSA, and the process for applying for and receiving aid. Click here for Spanish.

Funding your Education: The Guide to Federal Student Aid (PDF)
A Department of Education publication that provides information on preparing for college, types of federal student aid and eligibility, the FAFSA, and student loan repayment. Click here for Spanish.

National and Federal Resources

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - the first step in receiving financial aid.  Also available in Spanish.

Access information on your federal financial aid history for programs such as Pell Grants and Student Loans.

Selective Service System 
Register online for Selective Service.

Voter Registration
Register online to vote.

IRS - Request a Tax Transcript
Submit an online request for an IRS tax transcript.

College Scorecard
Contains data on SWC graduation rates, student loan default rates, school costs and employment.

NASFAA’s Parent and Student Financial Aid Resource Center
Wealth of resources for students and parents from the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA).

State of California Resources

Cal Grants
Information on California state financial aid programs, such as CalGrants, Chaffet Crants, Foster Youth and the California Dream Act.

Student Identity Theft
Information from the California Student Aid Commission for information and resources on student identity theft.

CA Dream Application
Complete the CA Dream application.

I Can Afford College
Resources on California community college financial aid.