Refer Your Welfare-to-Work Client
We welcome your client! The following is helpful information for you and your client:
In order to assist your client, we need you to refer him/her to the SWC CalWORKs program with a completed HHSA 27-114 Referral form. You may email the referral to us or send it with your client to their onboarding appointment.
Onboarding & Counselor Appointment
Prior to the counselor appointment, your client needs to attend an onboarding appointment to complete intake forms and learn program goals and requirements. Once the onboarding appointment is completed, The CalWORKs staff will schedule a counseling appointment to complete Individual Training Plans (ITPs) and/or Student Education Plans (SEPs) for your client. Completed documents are emailed to the ETA/ECM.
Southwestern College CalWORKs does not verify Monthly Attendance Verification forms nor processes textbook requests.