Red Flag Warning

San Diego County has issued a red flag warning beginning 4pm Monday 1/13 through 6pm Wednesday 1/15. Please have an evacuation plan and sign-up for alerts at Alert San Diego. The district is monitoring local conditions.

Benefits & Programs

Readmission for Veterans

Service Members of an active duty or reserve United States Military Service who receive orders compelling a withdrawal from courses are afforded the opportunity to continue their studies and will be able to maintain the same academic status they had when they last attended, weather they were out one or more terms.  For any student that out two or more primary terms will also need to submit a new application through CCCapply (AP/BP 5010).  For students where the program (major) the student was enrolled in is no longer available or for which the Catalog Rights have changed, the student may enroll into the most closely related program to minimize disruption towards finishing their educational goals. 


 The DVA has partnered with other DoD components to create, a one-stop source of benefit information and personal data for veterans and their dependents. Signing on for "premium" registration can take up to a week, but "basic" registration is relatively quick. With "premium" registration you will be able to check on the status of your compensation and pension, view your DVA payment history, apply for the home loan certificate of eligibility, and request copies of your military record. Your premium registration information will come in a notification letter from the Department of Defense about a week after you make your online request. Follow the directions in the letter to complete your registration. Note: your user name may change to firstname.lastname (all in lower case) after registration. The DVA website

Here are some helpful phone numbers:

  • DVA Certification Center/Enrollment Verification 1 (877) 823-2378
  • DVA Health Resource Center 1 (877) 222-8387
  • DVA Hotline/DVA San Diego 1 (800) 827-1000
  • VA Regional Processing Office, Muskogee, OK 1 (888) 442-4551
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (619) 400-5471

Students receiving benefits is required, by the Veterans Administration, to maintain regular class attendance and satisfactory progress to comply with the Academic Policies section of the current Southwestern College Catalog. Students should refer to the “General Education” & “Degree Requirements” sections of the current catalog.

General Documents

Veteran Services Parent Letter Request

Veteran’s Service Student information sheet 

DD214 (Member 4) Document Upload

Receipts Upload

Student Education Plan (SEP) Document Upload

2023-2024 Veterans Services Consent to Release Information

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.