Red Flag Warning

San Diego County has issued a red flag warning beginning 4pm Monday 1/13 through 6pm Wednesday 1/15. Please have an evacuation plan and sign-up for alerts at Alert San Diego. The district is monitoring local conditions.

Veterans' Resource Center (VRC)

Struggling to figure out your benefits? Want to find a place to get some work done? Or are you just looking for a sense of community here at Southwestern College?

We offer resources on benefits, school, Student Employment Services/Internships, Counseling & Career Advisement, and much more. The VRC is also a place to come in and relax, study and meet new people.

As you pursue your academic and career goals, come find us, see how we can help, or just drop in and say hello!


Resource Center Amenities

The VRC has a number of tools and spaces at your disposal to help you thrive at Southwestern College. The Student Veteran Organization meets on site regularly and welcomes students interested in finding out more about its activities.

We also have:

  • Workshops & Orientations: Every semester, we offer a wide variety of workshops, on topics such as Financial Aid, Interview and Resume Writing Skills, updating Student Education Plans (SEPs) and Veterans benefits and more.
    • Fall 2023 Orientation - See online schedule and online orientation.
    • Join us for an informative introduction to Southwestern College and presentations from the Veterans Services Office, the Veterans Resource Center, contact JD White at for more information, dates and times of Veteran Orientations. (Dates and times TBA. Please check your SWC student email regularly for updates and information.)
  • Computer Lab: The VRC has a dedicated and expanded computer lab (12 stations) exclusively for the use of student Veterans. We also offer noise-canceling headphones for use while in the lab, to support a focused and productive learning environment.
  • Peer-to-Peer Book Exchange: The VRC has a number of textbooks that have been donated by fellow Veterans that can borrowed free of charge. Come by the VRC to see what's available and get more information on the program.
  • Peer-to-Peer Tutoring: The VRC, in coordination with the Academic Success Center, offers tutoring for Veterans by Veterans.

Additional Services

Walk of Honor

Our Walk of Honor pays homage to our veterans. Purchase a brick or come by and visit!

News & Information

Find out what organizations and resources are available to you as a veteran.

Benefits & Programs

Not sure how to activate your benefits? You aren’t alone. Let us help.

Resources & FAQ

See all of the options available for help on campus and some frequently asked questions.

Get In Touch

View contact information for Veterans Services.

Code of Conduct

The Veterans’ Resource Center is committed to the healthy coexistence of all student Veterans. Behavior should reflect maturity.

  • The noise level will be kept to a respectable level that is conducive to all guests.
  • Veterans’ Resource Center guests are expected to behave in an ethical and moral fashion, respecting the human dignity of all those that enter this facility. Be tolerant of others and respect individual beliefs.
  • Harassment of any kind (racial, sexual, and otherwise) will not be tolerated.
  • Food and beverages are permitted in designated areas only.
  • Telephone calls and disruptive conversations should be taken outside, as to not disrupt other Veterans’ Resource Center guests.
  • Headphones are required to be used for music and other electronic devices, as to not disrupt other Veterans’ Resource Center guests.
  • The VRC is a safe and supportive environment provided to assist in the successful transition from service member to student Veteran through academics, camaraderie, and wellness.

Students who choose to disrespect the space by violating any of these standards will be asked to leave.

Virtual Chat

We are here to support each of our student’s needs. Chat live on Cranium Café by finding an online staff member below. To learn more, visit the Virtual Welcome Center. Our student service specialists have their hours of availability listed on their profile cards. If a team member's hours are not reflective of their availability, they are likely supporting another student. We give each of our students the individual attention and time they deserve. Thank you for your patience.

Video chat with Veteran Services on Cranium Cafe

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.