Jag Kitchen Food Pantry
Here at Southwestern, we believe every student should have enough food to get them through the day. We're here to help you get the nutrition you need. Any Southwestern College student can take advantage of the Jag Kitchen’s food assistance. Spread the word and take advantage!
In addition, the Jag Kitchen is always accepting food item donations, as well as monetary donations. Check the list below on which food items we accept. Also, use our online donations form to make any monetary contributions, big or small.
Making a Difference
- 6,600+: food bags provided to students 22-23 school year
- 2,200+: e-gift cards for groceries and hygiene products provided students 22-23 school year
- 0: proof of income to receive donations
However, there are still other ways the Jag Kitchen helps out students in need, including:
- Monthly Jag Kitchen to Go with San Diego Food Bank's Mobile Pantry: Sign-up at Jag Kitchen To-Go Registration
- Grocery store Electronic gift cards
- Weekly Jag Kitchen Pantry bag distributions
Any interested student can complete the Basic Needs Request form. Students can also visit SWC Cares web page for a list of additional campus and community resources.
How To Make Use Of the Jag Kitchen
General Information
The SWC Child Development Center, Family Studies Department and Associated Student Organization (ASO) began the Jag Kitchen Food Pantry in 2016 to assist students facing food insecurity.
- The Jag Kitchen is a safe and judgment-free zone that can be used by currently enrolled SWC students needing assistance.
- While we do have a donation item list that our students are always in need of, monetary donations are also accepted and much appreciated.
Eligibility & Process
What are eligibility requirements?
- Any SWC Student with a valid SWC identification card.
- No eligibility forms or proof of income is necessary.
What does the process look like?
- Reach out to a Basic Needs Coordinator<external link: mailto:teros@swccd.edu >.
- Sign in with a Jag Kitchen team member

Dolores Perez
Sociology Major
“My grades are kind of changing from the beginning of the semester...and I never noticed it was the food. I didn't have enough food during the day. You just go by the day doing your things, everybody's busy. And sometimes we forget to eat. It's very important to get food in your stomach.”Donate to the Jag Kitchen!
We are asking for donations of any items listed below. For any other questions please contact Trina Eros at teros@swccd.edu. Donations can be made at the Basic Needs office (Building 16 on the Chula Vista Campus).
In addition to donating items to the Jag Kitchen, we also accept monetary donations. To make it as easy as possible, we’ve set up a simple online donations form.