Marketing & Branding

The Office of Advancement & Community Engagement (ACE) is responsible for approving and overseeing the branding of the college and its corresponding guidelines. To better serve you, we ask that you please take a moment to review these guidelines and share or discuss them with your teams and colleagues. Our team is here to help you implement and adhere to our guidelines. 


These tools are designed to create standard use of language, logo and branding throughout the district.

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Writing Styles Guidelines


It is important that our messaging is consistent and cohesive to reinforce the SWC brand. The College’s editorial style is based on The Associated Press Stylebook.

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Voice & Tone


Voice reflects and expresses our personality. It stays the same across communication and marketing platforms. The tone is our attitude. It changes depending on the situation, medium, message, and audience.

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Visual Identity Guidelines


This guide provides proper and district-accepted usage of the college and jaguar logos. The guide also includes guidelines for district letterhead.