Technology Plan
The SWC Technology Plan is a guide to the allocation and use of technology resources in support of student learning and institutional effectiveness at Southwestern College. The purpose of the plan is to further the mission, vision, and strategic direction of the college. It will be reviewed on an annual basis as it is integrated with Institutional Planning and Program Review.
Technology Plan Implementation Grid 2014
The Institutional Technology Committee updated the Implementation Grid with the prioritized Action Items for 2014 (PDF). The update was based upon strategic priorities, program review and an evaluation of the status of the 2011-2013 Action Items (PDF). The Implementation Grid does not include non-recurring Action Items that were completed by 2013 (PDF). The ITC also developed a Top Ten List (PDF) of priorities for 2014.
Technology Plan Implementation Grid 2012-13
The Technology Plan Implementation Grid 2012-13 (PDF) was an Action Plan for completing the Technology Plan. The Institutional Technology Committee reprioritized the Implementation Grid based upon Program Review, technology trends and district initiatives. The updated grid includes a Top Ten List (PDF) of Action Items for 2012-13.
Technology Plan - Prioritized Action Items for 2011-2012
The Technology Plan - Prioritized Action Items for 2011-2012 (PDF) shows the action items, lead manager, responsible units, timelines, performance indicators, dependencies, and required resources that are necessary to further the goals and strategies of the Technology Master Plan. Over the summer (2011), the Technology Plan Oversight Team (TPOT) revised the Implementation Grid and prioritized the Action Items that were scheduled to begin 2011-2012. The Prioritized Action Items were reviewed/revised/approved by the Institutional Technology Committee (ITC) in August 2011.
2011-2015 Technology Plan
The 2011-2015 Technology Plan (PDF) was developed by the Technology Task Team (TTT) during spring 2011. It includes the following sections: SWC Mission, Planning Process, Contributors, Vision, Definition, Guiding Values and Principles, Technology Services Summary, Technology Goals and Strategies, Implementation Grid and Action Items, Appendices.