Red Flag Warning

San Diego County has issued a red flag warning beginning 4pm Monday 1/13 through 6pm Wednesday 1/15. Please have an evacuation plan and sign-up for alerts at Alert San Diego. The district is monitoring local conditions.

HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund) Financial Aid

Reporting for CARES/CRRSSA/ARP Emergency Relief

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), March 27, 2020, directs institutions receiving CARES Act funding to submit a report to the Secretary of Education describing the use of funds distributed from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (“HEERF”).

The following summarizes the awards and distributions through the quarter ending September 30, 2022.

Federal Funding Total Amount that will be received SWC
FA Code
Emergency Financial Aid Grants Distributed

Unique Student Count Eligible
Avg Award
CARES Emergency Gt/HEERF I
Stdt Fds
$4,626,632 CEG $4,626,632 6,536 7,495 $705
Stdt Fds
$4,626,632 FEA $4,626,632 5,209 all students $888
Stdt Fds
$17,633,823 ARP $17,633,823 8,852 all students $1992
Total Direct Student Aid Authorization $26,887,087 $26,887,087 20,624    
SWC has also allocated some CARES/CRRSSA/ARP Institutional Funds for Grants to Students  
Instl Fds
$3,785,628 AFE $3,785,628 6,252 all students $601
Instl Fds
$5,995,800 PAG $5,995,800 3,869 all students $1550
Total Institutional Alloc $9,754,428 $9,754,428 10,121    
Combined Funds committed to Emergency Grants $36,641,515 $36,641,515
Total Grants Paid from Fund 74
30,745   $1,192
overall average

The CARES Act requires institutions to use no less than 50 percent of the HEERF allocation received from the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus (including eligible expenses under a student’s cost of attendance such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child care).

On April 9, 2020, the Department published documents related to the Emergency Financial Aid Grants, including a letter from then Secretary Betsy DeVos and a list of institutional allocations.

Southwestern Community College signed and submitted the Certification and Agreement form on Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

Students eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act:

  • While HEERF-student share dollars are not Title IV financial aid, The Department of Education’s April 21, 2020 guidance states that students must meet requirements in Section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 in order to receive HEERF emergency grants. This guidance limited the total number of students eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants. 

Initially, the method(s) used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and how much they would receive under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.

  • Completed SWC Federal Emergency Relief Grant application
  • Completed a FAFSA application (for Spring 2020)
  • Title IV eligible under Section 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965:
    • US Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen
    • Registered with Selective Service (males only)
    • Valid Social Security Number
    • High School Diploma, GED, or completion of high school in an approved home school setting
    • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an approved degree or certificate program
    • Not be enrolled in elementary or secondary school
    • Be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
    • Submit Statement of Educational Purpose (if applicable)
    • Not be in default on Title IV grants or loans
    • Actively enrolled at the time of application and disbursement in a minimum of 0.5 units

The College used the following criteria to determine award amounts:

Spring 2020

Grants will be prorated based on current enrollment status based on the information below:

  • Half Time or above (6 + units): $400.00
  • Less than ½ time (.5 to 5.5 units): $200.00

Students who declared experiencing loss of income and/or participation in support programs will be awarded an additional $300.00 with either of the above enrollment statuses.

Summer 2020

Eligible Spring applicants will be awarded summer grants based on enrollment status. Grants will be prorated based on current enrollment status based on the information below:

  • Half Time or above (6 + units): $400.00
  • Less than ½ time (.5 to 5.5 units): $200.00

Fall 2020

Grants will be awarded to eligible enrolled students that have not been awarded this grant in prior terms. Eligible enrolled students include those directly impacted by “the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus” and have technology needs and or associated costs. Students will need to submit a Fall 2020 Federal Emergency Relief Grant application in order to be considered. Funds are limited and will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis. All eligible students will receive $500.00 to support the needs of technology and or associated costs.

Spring 2021

Grants will be awarded to eligible enrolled students that have not been awarded this grant in prior terms. Eligible enrolled students include those directly impacted by “the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus” and have technology needs and or associated costs. Students will need to submit a Spring 2021 Federal Emergency Relief Grant application in order to be considered. Funds are limited and will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis. All eligible students will receive up to $1000.00 to support the needs of technology and or associated costs.

Spring 2022 through  Fall 2022

Grants will be awarded to eligible enrolled students. Eligible enrolled students include those directly impacted by “the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus” and have technology needs and or associated costs. Students will need to submit a Federal Emergency Relief Grant application in order to be considered. Funds are limited and will be awarded based on need and on a first-come-first-serve basis. All eligible students will receive up to $1000.00 or more to support the needs of technology and or associated costs.

This completes the official reporting and notification requirements.