Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)
Program Description
The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) is a community college financial aid program for Full Time Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C recipients enrolled in 12 or more units. The purpose of the SSCG grant is to provide students with additional financial aid to help offset the total cost of community college attendance, and to encourage full-time attendance and successful on-time completion.
The Student Success Completion Grant pays Cal Grant recipients enrolled in at least 12 but fewer than 15 semester units $1298 per semester ($2596 annually). Cal Grant recipients enrolled in 15 or more semester units receive $4,000 per semester ($8,000 annually).
To take advantage of this grant please ADD all your units by the FREEZE DATE for each semester.
Eligibility Criteria:
· Must be a Cal Grant B or C recipient
· Must be enrolled full-time (12 units or more)
· Must be meeting Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards
· Must have unmet need to be eligible to receive the SSCG award.
Due to limited funding, Student Success Completion Grants (SSCG) are awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
To Apply
Please refer to the “Cal Grant B” to apply
Additional Information
Please note: Students might be able to “make up” full time units during the following summer term.
All courses must be added by SWC semester’s FREEZE DATE
However, each payment is based on the student’s enrollment level at the time of disbursement.
If enrollment level drops from 15 or more units to 12 to 14.5 units, the SSCG award
will be modified. In addition, if enrollment level drops below full time, the SSCG
award will be canceled.
New award amounts for current and former Foster Youth students
SSCG for Current and Former Foster Youth Students Senate Bill 117 – Higher Education
Trailer Bill (2023-2024) updated California Education Code (CEC) §88931 and increased
the SSCG award amount for current and former foster youth as defined in CEC § 69433.6.
Effective for the Fall 2023 term, former foster youth, who enroll in 12 or more units
and meet all other eligibility requirements are eligible for $5,250 per semester.
For the purposes of awarding a SSCG, “current or former foster youth” means a person
whose dependency was established or continued by the court on or after the date on
which the person reached 13 years of age.