Special Events

Planning an event? This resource is for you!

The Southwestern College Office of Advancement & Community Engagement (ACE) is responsible for ensuring that all district-wide events follow proper protocol when hosting and promoting events for internal or external audiences. Whether you’re hosting an event for students, welcoming the community at large, seeking participation in a community parade or external event—We ask that you begin by informing us

Please DO NOT select a date or move forward with any communications or commitments until you have first reached out to us. Please follow these steps as you plan the event:

1.      Check SWC Events Calendar to confirm there are no conflicting events

2.      Inform ACE so we can add to SWC Events Calendar and provide guidance, as well as fundraising assistance through the Foundation, if applicable.

3.      Submit a speaking request for SWC President/Superintendent and/or Governing Board President, if applicable.

4.      Use our Event Planning Checklist (see explanation below) to help plan the event.

Events Calendar graphic.

SWC Events Calendar

The online SWC Events Calendar will capture all District-wide events—from student-facing internal events (end-of-year ceremonies, club events), to outward-facing events that reach our external community, such as Open Houses, Expos, Career Fairs, Parade Participation, Festival Participation, District Annual events, etc.

Event Planning Checklist

To help you get started, we have provided you with an Event Planning Checklist to serve as a resource and guide. Note that this is not a request form–this is a Check-Off list to help you stay on track with planning your event. Printing and using this guide will assist you in planning and ensuring that you are aware of potential support, and the approximate timeframes that are required for the execution of a successful event.

We thank you for your assistance with these efforts and look forward to supporting you!

For further inquiries, please contact: Brenda Mora, Creative Designer and Special Events Coordinator.