Budget Planning

The Southwestern Community College District (SCCD) is committed to a transparent and effective resource allocation process that is integrated with institutional planning, relies on its mission, strategic planning priorities, program review, and a realistic assessment of our financial assets and needs. SCCD plans for short-term and long-term financial conditions and makes decisions based on a well-developed process that is open and transparent.

The Planning & Budget Committee

The Planning and Budget Committee (PBC) is a standing committee of the Shared Consultation Council (SCC) and guides the process for integrated planning and resource allocation. This committee uses a shared planning and decision-making approach to develop a process for creating an annual operating budget for the College District and provides oversight for all matters related to planning and budget development. The Planning and Budget Committee is committed to a budget development process that supports the College District’s Strategic Plan and Institutional Mission that is based on planning and needs identified through Institutional Program Review, and is data-informed regarding outcomes assessment in both instructional and non-instructional areas.

The Planning and Budget Committee plays an important oversight role in the SCC’s annual prioritization process for resource allocation, and the Planning and Budget Committee provides input to the College District’s ACCJC Self-Evaluation Study for Standards:

  • Standard I.C—Institutional Integrity: (I.C.14);
  • Standard III.B—Physical Resources: (III.B.1; III.B.2; III.B.3; III.B.4); and
  • Standard III.D—Financial Resources:
  • Planning: (III.D.1; III.D.2; III.D.3)
  • Fiscal Responsibility and Stability: (III.D.4; III.D.5; III.D.6; III.D.7; III.D.8; III.D.9; III.D.10)
  • Liabilities: (III.D.11; III.D.12; III.D.13; III.D.14; III.D.15)
  • Contractual Agreements: (III.D.16)

The committee is also responsible for regular reporting to the SCC on the status of Institutional Planning and the Financial Resources portion of our Physical and Financial Resources Development, Strategic Priority of the Strategic Plan, as well as the overall financial health of the College District.

In alignment with the College Mission, PBC upholds the integration of SCCD’s planning efforts ensuring that they are followed by budget development in order to provide the needed resources for student success; specifically, the PBC makes recommendations to the SCC regarding processes, timelines, analysis and outcomes for institutional planning and resource allocation.

The Planning and Budget Committee is comprised of the following membership:


Voting Members

  • Vice President, Business and Financial Affairs or designee (co-convener)
  • Academic Senate Vice-President or designee (co-convener)
  • Dean of Institutional Research and Planning or designee (co-convener)
  • Academic Senate President or designee
  • Director of Facilities or designee
  • SCCDAA President or designee
  • CSEA President or designee
  • ASO President or designee
  • CSEA Institutional Technology Representative
  • CSEA Representative
  • Faculty Representative
  • Confidentials Representative
  • Vice President, Student Affairs or designee
  • SCEA Representative


Resource (Non-voting) Members

  • Vice President, Academic Affairs
  • Superintendent/President
  • Grants Representative


Committee Co-conveners

PBC Meetings

Planning and Budget Committee (PBC)

Friday, September 6, 2024
Beginning Friday, September 6, 2024, the agendas for the Planning and Budget Committee meetings can now be accessed through the recently launched Diligent Community platform