2006-2011 Strategic Planning
In 2010, Southwestern College extended its 2006-09 Strategic Plan for two additional years, prior to a full renewal process begun Spring, 2011. Annual action plans for 2010-11 and 2011-12 are required for each of these two extended years. The full renewal process will result in a Strategic Plan through 2015, with annual review and action plans created, implemented and evaluated each year. A full renewal process will take place every five years thereafter.
- 2006-2009 Strategic Plan
- 2010 Evaluation of Accomplishments, Strategic Plan 2006-09 (temporarily unavailable)
2010-11 and 2011-12 Extension Process
The Shared Consultation Council (SCC)’s mission includes Strategic Planning as one of its primary duties. SCC is co-chaired by the Superintendent/President and the Academic Senate President. There are eight strategic priorities in the Strategic Plan, with “Teaching & Learning” and “Technology & Research added in March of 2011. Each Strategic Priority has a committee, with Team Leaders, who develop the goals and annual action plans; and then review, monitor, evaluate, assess and modify them as part of the annual planning cycle.
- Strategic Priorities and Strategic Priority Committee Co-Chairs, 2010-11
- 2010-11 and 2011-12 Annual Action Plans Master Calendar (temporarily unavailable)
- 2010-11 Action Plan memo and progress report
Integrated Planning
In Spring of 2011, with the reconfiguration of the Shared Consultation Council (SCC), a new emphasis was placed on integrated planning linking all major institutional planning and resource allocation processes and resulting documents. A new Technology Plan was developed and approved by SCC in March 2011, which utilizes the strategic priorities as the basis for its creation.
As a result of work on the SWC Technology Plan, the College has addressed Institutional Technology both in the SCC as well as in Strategic Planning, as a critical component of our integrated planning process, to provide reliable, ongoing data and evaluation. The “Technology Links to Strategic Planning” (listed below) illustrates the integration of technology needs with SWC strategic priorities.