Department Directory

Campus Maps

Academic Affairs (619) 421-6700 x5673 Vice President for Academic Affairs 213
Academic Senate (619) 482-6436 Academic Senate 104A
Academic Services (619) 482-6340 Vice President for Academic Affairs 14-103
Academic Success Center (619) 482-6348 Academic Success Center 420
Administration of Justice Classes (619) 421-6700 x5654 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa 1000K
Administrative/Instructional - National City (619) 216-6665 x4896 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7101
Admissions & Records - Chula Vista (619) 421-6700 x5215 Admissions & Records S101
Admissions & Records - National City (619) 216-6665 x4851 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7116
Admissions & Records - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4401 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4113
Admissions & Records - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4901 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100
Advertising (619) 482-6304 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100D
Aquatic Center (Crown Cove) (619) 575-6176 Crown Cove Aquatic Center CCAC
Aquatics (619) 421-6700 x5353 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000K
Architecture Classes (619) 482-6582 School of Business 1000K
Art Gallery (619) 216-6605 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 710B
Articulation (619) 482-6383 Articulation  105M
Arts & Communication (619) 482-6372 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 702B
Associated Student Organization (ASO) (619) 482-6443 Student Activities 600
Assessment (619) 482-6385 Assessment S107
Athletics (619) 482- 6370 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000N
Audio Visual Repair/Set-Ups (619) 482-6366 Maintenance 1200
Auto Maintenance-College (619) 421-6700 x5357 Maintenance 1250
Auto Shop/Classes (619) 482-6582 School of Business 590
Basic Police Academy - Otay Mesa (619) 482-6462 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4315
Benefits/Employee (619) 421-6700 x5174 Vice President for Human Resources/Benefits 1600
Biology Adjunct Faculty Office (619) 421-6700 x5280 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 310A
Biology Lab (619) 421-6700 x5286 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 310
Biology Lab - National City (619) 216-6665 x4872 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7234
Bookstore - Chula Vista (619) 482-6416 Bookstore 630
Bookstore - National City (619) 216-6665 x4883 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7120B
Bookstore - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4464 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4200
Bookstore - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4910 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5110
Box Office (619) 482-6367 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 900
Budget/District (619) 216-6641 Financial Services & Budgeting 1665
Business & Financial Affairs (619) 482-6311 Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs 1652
Business Resource Center (619) 421-6700 x5851 San Diego & Imperial Regional SBDC Network NC-S103
CAD CAM Lab (619) 482-6382 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 543
Cafeteria (619) 482-6359 Food Services ST UN
CalWORKs Program (619) 482-6510 CalWORKs Program  S210
Campus Nurse (619) 482-6354 Health Services 601F
Canvas Faculty Support (619) 482-6595 Online Learning Center L344
Canvas Student Support (844) 629-6835 Online Learning Center L344
Career Center (619) 421-6700 x5247 Career Center S206
Cashiering (619) 482-6307 Cashiering S102
Catalog Requests (619) 421-6700 x5673 Academic Services 213
Center 4 Tech Ed/Career Success (619) 421-6700 x5805 Women's Resource Center S210
Central Services (619) 482-6408 Business & Financial Affairs 1625
Central Service Technology (619) 482-6352 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4401
Change of Address/Employee (619) 482-6395 Human Resources 1670
Change of Address/Student (619) 421-6700 x5215 Admissions & Records S101
Chemistry Lab (619) 421-6700 x5294 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 330A
Chemistry Lab - National City (619) 216-6665 x4867 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7136
Child Development Center (619) 216-6695 Child Development Center 2000
Child Development Lab (619) 421-6700 x5878 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro 554
Cisco Lab (619) 482-6582 School of Business 551
Center for International Trade Development (CITD) (619) 482-6393 CITD 660
Civic Center and Facilities Rentals (619) 482-6319 Business & Financial Affairs 1651
Class Registration Assistance (619) 421-6700 x5215 Admissions & Records S101
Class Schedules (619) 482-6340 Academic Services 213
Contracting Opportunities Center (COC) (619) 285-7020 COC COC
College for Kids (619) 421-6700 x5953 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 661
College Police Department (619) 482-6380 College Police Department 105D
College Work Study Checks (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Communications & Government Relations (619) 482-6304 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100D
Composition Lab (619) 421-6700 x5490 School of Languages & Literature 423
Computer Help Desk for Staff/Faculty (619) 421-6700 x4357 Institutional Technology 211
Computer Information Systems (619) 482-6582 School of Business 1000K
Computer Lab/IT - National City (619) 216-6665 x4877 or x4893 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7207
Computer Lab/IT - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4456 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4424
Computer Lab/IT - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4911 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5202
Continuing Education  (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 661
Cooperative Education (619) 482-6537 Student Activities S205H
Counseling - Chula Vista (619) 482-6317 School of Counseling & Student Support Programs S204
Counseling - National City (619) 216-6665 x4856 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7112
Counseling - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4403 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4113
Counseling - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4913 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100C
CPR Classes (619) 429-1669 Crown Cove Aquatic Center CCAC
Crisis/Mental Health Counseling (619) 216-6689 Personal Wellness S204K
Crown Cove Aquatic Center (619) 575-6176 Crown Cove Aquatic Center CCAC
CSEA Office (619) 421-6700 x5691 CSEA 206A
Career Technical Education (CTE Transitions) (619) 421-6700 x5740 Academic Services 200D
CTECS (619) 421-6700 x5805 Women's Resource Center S210
Custodial (619) 482-6451 Custodial 1200
Customer Services Academy (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 661
Dental Hygiene Clinic - National City (619) 216-6665 x4875 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7217
Dental Hygiene Program - National City (619) 216-6665 x4862 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7217
Diploma Ordering/Mailing (619) 482-6326 Evaluations  S104
Directions to School (619) 482-6520 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100I
Disability Support Services - Chula Vista (619) 482-6512 Disability Support Services S108
Disability Support Services - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4408 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4106
Disability Support Services - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4903 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100
Duplicating Services (619) 482-6405 Business & Financial Affairs 101
Early Alert Program (619) 421-6700 x5240 School of Counseling & Student Support Programs S204
Educational Incentive Program (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Electronics Lab (619) 482-6582 School of Business 540
Email Assistance (619) 421-6700 x4357 Institutional Technology 211
Emergency - College Police (619) 216-6691 College Police Department 105D
Emergency Loans (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Employment Verification (619) 482-6395 Human Resources 1670
EMT Classes - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6760 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4131A
EMT Contract Classes (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 1680
English Lab (619) 421-6700 x5490 School of Languages & Literature 422A
Enrollment Fee Payments (619) 482-6307 Cashiering S102
Enrollment Verification (619) 421-6700 x5215 Admissions & Records S101
Environmental Hazardous Materials Technology (619) 482-6582 School of Business 1000K
EOPS - Chula Vista (619) 482-6456 Extended Opportunities Programs & Services S203
EOPS - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4407 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4105B
EOPS - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4905 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100B
Equipment Check-Out/Multimedia Services (619) 421-6700 x5299 Library L113A
Equivalency Committee Support (619) 482-6332 Human Resources 1670
Evaluations (619) 482-6326 Evaluations  S104
Evening Administrator (619) 482-6380 College Police Department 105D
Evening Administrator - National City (619) 216-6665 x4958 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7110
Exercise Science (619) 421-6700 x5353 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000K
Extended Opportunities Programs & Services (619) 482-6456 Extended Opportunities Programs & Services S203
Facilities Planning (619) 482-6319 Purchasing, Contracting & Central Services 1651
Facilities, Operations & Planning (619) 482-6573 Facilities, Operations & Planning 1625
Financial Aid - Chula Vista (619) 421-6700 x5258 Financial Aid S104
Financial Aid - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4405 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4105
Financial Aid - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4904 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100B
Financial Aid Information Line (619) 482-6357 Financial Aid S104
Financial Services & Budgeting (619) 216-6641 Financial Services & Budgeting 1665
Fire Science - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6760 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4131A
First Aid Classes (619) 429-1669 Crown Cove Aquatic Center CCAC
Fitness Education Center (619) 421-6700 x5742 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1005
Floating Holiday Information (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Food Services (619) 482-6359 Food Services ST UN
Foundation (619) 482-6426 Office of Institutional Effectiveness 103A
GE Certification (619) 482-6326 Evaluations  S104
GI Bill® Information (619) 482-6324 Veterans Services S104
Governing Board (619) 482-6301 Superintendent/President 100
Grades Information (619) 482-6531 Admissions & Records S101
Graduation Evaluation (619) 482-6326 Evaluations  S104
Grants (Institutional) (619) 216-6614 Office of Institutional Effectiveness 103A
Grants/Financial Aid (619) 482-6357 Financial Aid S104
Graphics (In-House) (619) 421-6700 x5296 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100D
Green Building Partnership (619) 482-6582 School of Business 1000K
Grounds (619) 482-6365 Maintenance 1260
Health & Welfare (619) 421-6700 x5174 Vice President for Human Resources/Benefits 1600
Health Courses (619) 421-6700 x5353 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000K
Health Inventory Testing (619) 421-6700 x5353 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000K
Health Services - Chula Vista (619) 421-6700 x5350 Health Services 601F
Health Services - National City (619) 216-6665 x4855 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7119
Health Services - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6758 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4501
Health Services - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4909 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5108
Health, Exercise Science, Athletics & Applied Technology (619) 421-6700 x5353 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000K
Heating/Cooling - Campus (619) 482-6366 Maintenance 1200
Help Desk for Staff/Faculty (619) 421-6700 x4357 Institutional Technology 211
Help Desk for Students (619) 482-6531 Admissions & Records S101
High Tech Center (619) 421-6700 x5418 Disability Support Services 421
Higher Education Center at National City (619) 216-6665 x4851 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7116
Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4118
Higher Education Center at San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4901 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100
Homemaker Programs (619) 421-6700 x5625 Women's Resource Center S210
Horticulture Department (619) 482-6582 School of Business 1801A
Hourly Employees (Classified) (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Human Resources (619) 482-6395 Human Resources 1670
Information Booth (619) 421-6700 x5167 Student Services S109
Institutional Research & Planning (619) 482-6303 Institutional Research & Planning 23-138
Institutional Technology (619) 482-6396 Institutional Technology 211
International Programs (619) 482-6504 Vice President for Student Affairs S109
International Student Info (619) 482-6584 Admissions & Records S101
ITC Library Lab (619) 421-6700 x5198 Library 620
LaMaze (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 660
Landscape & Nursery Technology (619) 482-6582 School of Business 1801A
Language Acquisition Center (619) 421-6700 x5821 School of Languages & Literature 446
Languages (619) 482-6461 School of Languages & Literature 430J
Library (619) 482-6397 Library 64
Library - Circulation (619) 421-6700 x5697 Library 64
Library - National City (619) 216-6665 x4868 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7120
Library - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4423 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4201A
Library - Periodicals (619) 482-6407 Library 64
Library - Reference Desk (619) 421-6700 x5381 Library 64
Library - Reference Desk Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4477 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4201A
Library - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4907 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5105
Library Fine Payments (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Literature (619) 482-6461 School of Languages & Literature 430J
Locker Room - Men (619) 421-6700 x5351 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1001
Locker Room - Women (619) 421-6700 x5417 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1002
Lost & Found (619) 216-6611 College Police Department 105D
Mail Services (UPS, FedEx, DHL & Interoffice delivery) (619) 421-6700 x5355 Warehouse 1100
Mail Services (USPS & Interoffice) (619) 421-6700 x5369 Business & Financial Affairs 1625
Maintenance (619) 482-6366 Maintenance 1200
Math Science Center (619) 421-6700 x5270 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 60-109
Mathematics, Science & Engineering (619) 482-6459 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 215
Mayan Hall/Theatre (619) 482-6429 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 900
Media Relations (619) 482-6304 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100D
Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) (619) 216-6665 x4886 Higher Education Center at National City NC-7101
Mental Health/Crisis Counseling (619) 216-6689 Personal Wellness S204K
MESA Lab (619) 421-6700 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 60-101
MESA Project (619) 482-6587 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 60-101
Micro Tech Lab (619) 421-6700 x5318 School of Business 544
Microcomputer Lab (619) 421-6700 x5314 Academic Success Center 429R
Military Credit Evaluations (619) 482-6326 Veterans Services S104
Military Credit Petitions (619) 421-6700 x5263 Veterans Services S104
Multimedia Library (619) 482-6346 Library 620
Multimedia Services (619) 421-6700 x5299 Library L113A
New Hires (Academic) (619) 482-6332 Human Resources 1670
New Hires (Classified) (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Newspaper/Sun (619) 482-6368 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 640
Noncredit Classes (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 661
Notary Public classes (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 660
Nurse/Campus - Emergency (619) 421-6700 x5350 Health Services 601F
Nursing & Health Occupations (ADN/LVN/RN) - Otay Mesa (619) 482-6352 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4401
Online Learning Center (619) 482-6595 Online Learning Center L103
Online Rosters - Attendance/Census (619) 421-6700 x5411 Admissions & Records S101
Operating Room Nurse Program - Otay Mesa (619) 482-6352 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4401
Otay Mesa - Administration Office (619) 216-6750 x4411 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4118D
Otay Mesa - Weekend Administrator  (619) 216-6750 x4404 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4114
Outlook Assistance (619) 421-6700 x4357 Institutional Technology 211
Outreach - Student Services (619) 482-6518 Outreach S101
Paralegal Studies Program (619) 421-6700 x5711 School of Business 215
Paramedic Training - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6760 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4131A
Parking Information (619) 216-6611 College Police Department 105D
Parking Permits - Staff (619) 216-6611 Parking Services 105D
Parking Permits - Students (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Payroll Services  (619) 482-6335 Payroll Services  1660
Perioperative Nursing (ORN) - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4482 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4415
Personal Business Day Information (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Personal Wellness Services (619) 421-6700 x5279 Health Services S205A
Personnel Forms (619) 482-6395 Human Resources 1670
Personnel Services (619) 482-6395 Human Resources 1670
Petitions Information (619) 482-6326 Evaluations  S104
Phone Mail (To Leave Message) (619) 421-6700 x6565 Maintenance 1200
Phone Repair/Reports (619) 482-6366 Maintenance 1200
Photo ID Cards (619) 482-6568 Student Activities  601C
Photography Lab (619) 421-6700 x5317 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 436D
Physics Lab (619) 421-6700 x5419 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 340
Plumbing (619) 482-6366 Maintenance 1200
Police - College (619) 482-6380 College Police Department 105D
Police Academy - Otay Mesa (619) 482-6462 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4315
Prerequisites (619) 216-6659 Assessment S107
Print Shop (619) 482-6405 Business & Financial Affairs 1625
Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) (619) 285-7020 Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) PTAC
Public Information (619) 482-6304 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100D
Publicity Services (619) 482-6304 Communications, Community & Government Relations 100D
Purchasing (619) 482-6408 Purchasing, Contracting & Central Services 1651
Reading Lab (619) 421-6700 x5826 School of Languages & Literature 420P
Receiving (619) 482-6355 Warehouse 1100
Reclass/Hurdle (Academic) (619) 482-6332 Human Resources 1670
Refunds (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Registration (619) 421-6700 x5215 Admissions & Records S101
Registration Statements (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Residency Information (619) 421-6700 x5220 Admissions & Records S101
Risk Management (619) 482-6408 Purchasing, Contracting & Central Services 1651
S.T.E.P. Program (619) 482-6461 School of Languages & Literature 450U
SBDC Regional Network (619) 482-6388 San Diego & Imperial Regional SBDC Network NC-S103
SCCDAA - Southwestern Community College District Admin Association (619) 482-6577 Silva Cornejo  
SCEA Office (619) 421-6700 x5567 SCEA 104
School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media (619) 482-6372 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 702B
School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management (619) 482-6479 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 661
School of Counseling & Student Support Programs (619) 482-6317 School of Counseling & Student Support Programs S204
School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics (619) 421-6700 x5353 School of Wellness, Exercise Science & Athletics 1000K
School of Languages & Literature (619) 482-6461 School of Languages & Literature 28-107
School of Math, Science & Engineering (619) 482-6459 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 215
School of Business (619) 482-6582 School of Business 470K
Self-Pace Math Program (619) 421-6700 x5270 School of Mathematics, Science & Engineering 426
Self-Service Copy Center Assistance (102) (619) 482-6405 Business & Financial Affairs 101
Self-Service Copy Center Assistance (L113, 429A, 653) (619) 421-6700 x5299 Library/Multimedia Services L113A
Service Learning Center (619) 482-6537 Service Learning S205H
Sidewalk Repair - Campus (619) 482-6365 Grounds 1260
Single Parent's Programs (619) 421-6700 x5625 Women's Resource Center S210
Slide Lab (619) 421-6700 x5342 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 751B
Smart Classroom Support Line (619) 421-6700 x5188 Institutional Technology 211
Southwestern Sun Newspaper (619) 482-6368 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 640
Sprinkler Repair - Campus (619) 482-6365 Grounds 1260
Staff Development (619) 421-6700 x5678 Staff Development L242
Staff Development Computer Lab (619) 482-6430 Staff Development L242
Staff Lounge (619) 421-6700 x5503 Facilities, Operations & Planning 102A
Staff Lounge - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4465 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4119
Student Accounts & Cashiering (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Student Activities (619) 482-6568 Student Activities  601C
Student Activities - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4449 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4502
Student Affairs (619) 421-6700 x5816 Vice President for Student Affairs S105
Student Employment Services (619) 482-6356 Student Employment Services S208
Student Services (619) 421-6700 x5808 Student Services S109
Student Services - San Ysidro (619) 216-6790 x4901 Higher Education Center at San Ysidro SY-5100
Student Support Services/EOPS (619) 421-6700 x5493 Extended Opportunities Programs & Services S201
Summer Readiness (619) 482-6456 Extended Opportunities Programs & Services S201
Superintendent/President (619) 482-6301 Superintendent/President 100
Surgical Technology Lab/Program - Otay Mesa (619) 216-6750 x4483 Higher Education Center at Otay Mesa OM-4416
SWC Foundation (619) 482-6426 Office of Institutional Effectiveness 103A
Telemedia Room (619) 421-6700 x5471 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 705A
Telephone Install & Repair (619) 482-6366 Maintenance 1200
Tenure Review (619) 216-6706 Tenure Review 104C
Test Proctoring - ASC (619) 421-6700 x5537 Academic Success Center 420
Test Proctoring - DSS (619) 421-6700 x5271 Disability Support Services S108
Testing Center (619) 482-6385 Assessment S107
Theatre Box Office (619) 482-6367 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 900
Theatre/Mayan Hall (619) 482-6429 School of Arts, Communication, Design & Media 900
Time Out Café (619) 421-6700 x5305 Food Services 480
Tool Room (Auto) (619) 482-6582 School of Business 590
Tradewinds (619) 421-6700 x5971 Food Services 1505
Traffic School (619) 482-6376 School of Applied Technology & Hospitality Management 662
Training Services Computer Lab (619) 482-6430 Staff Development L242
Transcript Fee Payments (619) 482-6307 Cashiering  S102
Transcripts - Academic (619) 421-6700 x5412 Admissions & Records S101
Transcripts - Financial Aid (619) 482-6357 Financial Aid S104
Transfer Center (619) 482-6472 Transfer Center   S205
Travel Desk (619) 482-6312 Financial Services & Budgeting 1665
Tree Trimming - Campus (619) 482-6365 Grounds 1260
Trust Accounts (619) 482-6453 Financial Services & Budgeting 1665
Unemployment Claims/Academic (619) 482-6332 Human Resources 1670
Unemployment Claims/Classified (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Vacation Info (Staff) (619) 421-6700 x5424 Human Resources 1670
Veterans Services (619) 482-6324 Veterans Services S104
Vice President for Academic Affairs (619) 482-6337 Vice President for Academic Affairs 213
Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs (619) 482-6311 Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs 1652
Vice President for Human Resources (619) 482-6328 Vice President for Human Resources 1650
Vice President for Student Affairs (619) 482-6316 Vice President for Student Affairs S105
VTEA/Perkins (619) 421-6700 x5261 Academic Services 661
Warehouse (619) 482-6527 Warehouse 1100
Women's Resource Center (619) 421-6700 x5625 Women's Resource Center S210
Work Experience (619) 482-6356 Student Employment Services S208
Worker's Compensation (619) 421-6700 x5174 Vice President for Human Resources/Benefits 1600
Writing Center (619) 421-6700 x5830 Academic Success Center 420D

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.